Share 2 Win is an international, activity-based clan system established in 2014. Our clans are divided by troop levels. The main clan, "Share 2 Win", averages approximately 500,000 donations per season!!! Our clans are global and are highly active 24/7 for the most part. Share 2 Win 2, 3, and 4 prepare lower level players for the main clan. "Share 2Win Lite" is our "vacation" clan, where elders can go when life prevents them from being active enough for our clans' minimums, and still keep their status within our system.
Share 2 Win wants only the most active players in the game! We pride ourselves on our high levels of activity, organization, fairness, adherence to rules, participation in clan games, and impeccable war records. We encourage our members to play at the trophy levels where they are the most comfortable and find the most obtainable loot for upgrades, so we do not seek to push. Our ultimate goal is for our main clan to be the top clan in Clash. While "Share 2 Win" clans are not "adult only" clans, we do demand that players act in a mature manner. Search "Share 2" in order to view our list of clans. *Update 8/28/14* With any successful clan system will always come imitators, copycats, pirates/clan hijackers, or disgruntled former members who form imitation clans for different reasons. Our clans are listed at the bottom of this page with the current leadership in each clan. Each of our clans' "clan tags" are listed on the home page. Requesting to Join If your attack wins on any given day of a season are not above a 5+ per day average, it is very likely that you will not be accepted into our clans. The reason for this is simple, if you don't attack often, you aren't active enough to consistently meet our minimums! When clans are full, we often resort to an even higher requirement before considering a request to join our clans. At the beginning of a season, we often look at lifetime stats before accepting or rejecting. We encourage all of our players to max their bases, troops, heroes, and spells before upgrading. Premie, rushed, or engineered bases benefit no one except your attackers, including you, and will get you rejected from our higher level clans until your bases, troops, heroes, and spells catch up to your town hall level. If the numbers above appear difficult to achieve, then we may not be the clan for you. Most of our members in the main clan hit 8000/8000 per season with ease, several hit 15000/15000, and some as high as 60000+/60000+. 4500 requests with equal donations in the main clan is simply a minimum, not intended to be a goal. If you have been accepted, then subsequently kicked from one of our clans, it is likely due to one of three reasons: 1) We accepted you, you failed to respond. If this happens you will likely get a message to rejoin when you can be online to acknowledge rules, with an invite to rejoin. 2) We accepted you to send you to another clan. We try to address this in chat with you but it isn't always possible if you aren't immediately responding. If this happens, your kick message told you which clan your troops qualify you for. 3) You were accepted on accident or by mistake. Some fresh elders do not understand when and who to accept. If they accept you and you weren't qualified, you are most likely to be kicked for seemingly no reason. Read above on ways to show your activity level in your stats, and/or catch up your troops, defenses, heroes, and spells to at least the previous Town Hall's max. Expectations: Eldership- Elder is earned the moment a player hits the total for two consecutive weekly minimums (within two weeks, of course) of requests:donations. It is kept until minimums or war attacks are missed. A 2nd miss within 4 wars is a kick whether elder has been re-earned or not. War "opt out" is there, if you won't attack with a strong army, win or lose, then simply opt out. Anyone kicked for missing minimums (without going to Share 2Win Lite) is welcome to return for one more shot as a member within a six month period until minimums are achieved again. If kicked twice, the player is considered "not active enough" for our clans and is no longer accepted into our clans for six months. We only want elder material. If you take a look at our clan lists, you will find that most players are elders. These have achieved the minimums. Players without elder status and no "new" symbol by their name have been keeping on track for the daily minimums in order to achieve that clan's minimum if there the entire season, or they were an elder who was demoted for some reason. We want loyal members. We allow one "grass is greener" scenario in which a player leaves (and almost always returns). Two leaves within a six month period are considered hopping and one is no longer welcome in our clans for a time. If you are one who needs to be "with a cousin" or constantly "help a friend's clan", we are not for you! Our recipe has been providing a finished product of success for many years and will continue to do so. One of the key ingredients is mature, loyal, active members. Take a look at current top clan systems. For these same reasons most have a "leave once and you're banned for life" rule. People hopping in and out of our clans provides an impression of instability. Our clans are VERY stable and will continue to succeed. If you truly want to be part of that, join and stay! Leaders/Co-Leaders: Extremely active, helpful, mature, tenured, friendly, respectful, and loyal members are sometimes considered for leadership. Leadership candidates should be active in chat and set good examples for other members. This includes using war attacks with strong armies, using appropriate language, being non-confrontational, and guiding members to achieve clan standards and better their game. We have great members overall so many are, unfortunately, not approached. All who are in current leadership were approached by us and never asked for the position themselves, nor expected the position. If you are a player who feels the need to lead, start a clan, don't ask us for a leadership position (this does not mean that it is unacceptable to let us know you would be open to helping out at a greater capacity if we need). Another requirement for leadership with us is to have a Discord account and be a member of our Discord server. Communication in different chats is a vital piece of our highly organized system. Leadership is usually decided half a season before a season starts. All leadership must have been a co-leader in order to be considered for the Leader spot of Share 2 Win 2, Share 2 Win 3 or Share 2 Win 4. The former website can be viewed here. Rules: Players with extremely high levels of activity only! Unlike most clans, we require heavy REQUESTING of troops from all players. Donate as much as (not more or less than) you request. We enforce a close to 1:1 request:donation ratio (within 10% either way)! This ensures that ALL players are active. Requests ensure activity overall, and donations equal to one's requests ensures that all are contributing proportionately. This rule is key to our successes! Give only what troops are requested. No troop levels in requests, except for war attacks. Our clans are already divided by troop levels. Specifying levels further would only inhibit players on the lower end of the spectrum from donating. Request whatever troops you would like, but you must include a troop that you are "currently" making and willing to donate yourself, unless for war. No offensive behavior or language. Most of our members are adults, but we do have some of our children in the clans with us and there are no age restrictions. Not to mention, offensive language and profanity are not necessary in order to communicate effectively. All of our clans war back-to-back. There is no requirement to war. If you do opt in, you must have all heroes up for war attacks and use both war attacks with strong armies regardless of the outcome or if bases are already cleared. You should be available to do your first attack within the first eight hours of war. Cleanups are assigned via clan mail or war map notes after 16 hours are remaining in war. Absolutely no loot attacking, barching, town hall sniping, or hero complex (moving way up the map) attacking in war, ever! War rules are explained more elaborately upon joining. |